
2021 HCAW 7th Annual Tea


HCAW Board of Directors and Members
Announce our

HCAW 7th Annual Tea
Saturday, February 13, 2021 at 12:00 noon

Zoom Meeting
Due to the COVID 19 pandemic and social distancing restrictions this event will be virtual.

For more information please contact:
Artra Green, Founder • 707-399-9550

Please see our article in the Daily Republic from February 10, 2020.
7th annual Helping Children Around the World tea shifts online

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Winter 2020 HCAW Update

In Spite of the Covid-19 Pandemic the Work of HCAW Continues On.

Please see our article in the Daily Republic from November 1, 2020.
Gold Mine: Helping Children Around the World helps those near, far away

Directors of Helping Children Around The World

Artra Green CEO/Founder

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Newsletter September 2020 Issue 6

Welcome to the 6th edition of “Our Journey” newsletter. Find out about us and maybe join up with us on “Our Journey”. – HCAW

Newsletter September 2020 Issue 6

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A Message To All Our Supporters

To Supporters of Helping Children Around The World

The Directors thoughts and prayers are with you, your family and friends during
this challenging time of the Coronavirus.

We hope you all are safe and coping well while being physically separated.

This too shall pass.

We will get back to helping hungry children around the world because of your

Until then take care.

Directors of Helping Children Around The World

Artra Green CEO/Founder

2020 HCAW 6th Annual Tea Success

The 2020 HCAW 6th Annual Tea was held February 8, 2020 at the Jelly Belly Candy Company in Fairfield, CA.

For Daily Republic article about the event: view/download PDF article or view article on DR website.

2020 HCAW 6th Annual Tea


HCAW Board of Directors and Members
Cordially invite you to attend our

HCAW 6th Annual Tea
Saturday, February 8, 2020 at 12:00 noon at
Jelly Belly – Visitor Center
One Jelly Belly Lane, Fairfield CA 94533

Last year was standing room only so…
Please RSVP by January 31, 2020
Artra Green, Founder • 707-399-9550

Newsletter September 2019 Issue 5

Welcome to the 5th edition of “Our Journey” newsletter. Find out about us and maybe join up with us on “Our Journey”. – HCAW

Newsletter September 2019 Issue 5

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2019 HCAW 5th Annual Garage Sale

This is our 5th year presenting great household items to you.

As the old saying goes, “One man’s junk is another man’s treasure”. Come early to find your treasure! We will have lot’s to display like Bedroom Furniture, Bedding, Beautiful 3 piece Coffee Table Set, Armoire, Dishes, Cookware, Microwave, Barbie Dolls, Stuffed Animals, Jewelry, Record Albums, Books, Picture Frames, Variety of hats, shoes Golf Clubs, Plastic Flowers and a whole lot more. And more boxes in the garage you can look through for your treasure.

We ask that you come out and support our mission. All proceeds go to “Helping Children Around The World”, 501c. See you at 243 Concord Ave.! Fairfield CA. Phone: 707-399-9550

• Please see our attached promotional flyer for more information.
• Also see our ad on craiglist – shows photos of some of the items for sale!

See more on our events page.

2019 HCAW 5th Annual Tea Success

The 2019 HCAW 5th Annual Tea was held February 9, 2019 at the Jelly Belly Candy Company in Fairfield, CA. The children were in charge of the event. Shamiah greeted our guests at the door; Darius Jr. opened the event with prayer; Naliya was in charge of  moving the event on time. 17 children and youth were presented with certificates of appreciation for volunteering and sharing their talents and gifts in song, dance and speech in support of Helping Children Around The World at the annual teas since 2015. They have inspired others to support the nonprofit corporation which food, education, providing clean water and solar lights to children around the world.

HCAW Banner Promotion. Over 90 supporters in attendance. Daruis Jr. and Naliya among many children serving the lunches.

A healthy and delicious lunch were donated by our supporters Susie and Linda: grill chicken salad, fruit and tea cookies served with water and hot tea. The directors thanked them so much for donating our lunch. The children had fun serving the lunch to our supporters.

Attendees were given numbers on entering the event to use for receiving gifts by a drawing. Children had fun drawing the numbers to present the gifts.

Frances received one of the gifts by drawing of numbers. Gabriella serving food donated by Susie and Linda. Naliya and Gabriella presenting the program.

Children presented the program to approximate 90 supporters with song and speech. This year, at the annual tea, Gabriella talked about Claudette Colvin, a 15 year old girl in the Civil Right Movement who went to jail for refusing to give up her seat to a white person on the bus in Montgomery Alabama nine months before Rosa Park gave up her seat.

Children also presented, in the form of drama, the HCAW’s partners for 2018. These partners gave clean water, food and educational supplies among other support from HCAW.

Francois one of the children presenting. Darius Jr. among the 17 children receiving certificates for volunteering. Thankful to our supporters.

These are our HCAW Partners of 2018:

1. $1,000.00 to Fairfield & Suisun Community Backpacks Drive – 100 backpacks filled with school supplies given through Mount Calvary Church 
2. 15 turkeys to Heart 2 Heart a nonprofit in Vacaville CA. Helping youth transitioning from foster care
3. $600.00 sent to Jerusalem Church in Calhoun, Louisiana for backpacks and school supplies
4. $3,000.00 to Brother Helping Brother in Haiti to help feed over 400 school children a bowl of rice at lunch time.
5. $500.00 sent to Puerto Rico to purchase 113 cases of water (40 bottles per case)
6. $300.00 to Ecole Mixte Mont Des Oliviers de Vidy School to feed children in Haiti. Pastor Reneau Luzincourt.
7. $500.00 to a non-profit  Help Is On The Way to feed children in Marfo Children Home in Ghana (Marfo Children Care Foundation).
8. $1,000.00 through Help Is On The Way to pay tuition for a student studying to become Physician’s Assistant in Ghana.

Artra Green and The Directors of Helping Children Around The World cannot thank our supporters enough for helping us do this work. We could not do it without you.

Please also remember our Annual Garage Sale June 8, 2019, 9 am at 243 Concord Ave, Fairfield, CA.

Thank you, Artra Green
Helping Children Around The World – CEO/Founder

Newsletter September 2018 Issue 4

Welcome to the 4th edition of “Our Journey” newsletter. Find out about us and maybe join up with us on “Our Journey”. – HCAW

Newsletter September 2018 Issue 4

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